So why do they censor it – the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising – inspiration for your existence?
Guttmann: Hello
Ofer: Shalom Professor Guttmann and Happy New Year
Guttmann: Happy New Year
Ofer: This is Ofer speaking
Guttmann: Yes, I recognize your voice
Ofer: Good, great. How are you?
Guttmann: Ah, fine. And how are you coming along with your writing?
Ofer: I'm doing well. you teach me a lot without even realizing you're teaching me.
Guttmann: You already know. I hardly need to teach you.
Ofer: As I told you, I'm interested in the point of social connection (within the Uprising).
Guttmann: That connection was extraordinary. Yes, and the connection was not for the sake of themselves and feeling connected, but for the sake of society.
Ofer: True, true. That’s what fascinates me, that once upon a time there was such a thing, but nowadays we don’t see it.
Guttmann: Yes, true.
פרופ ישראל גוטמן חותם על אמנה משותפת, לזכר השואה ובמיוחד הגבורה עם עפר שרנקה אלוני
פרופ' ישראל גוטמן מביע את רצונו, לשת"פ עם עפר אלוני